Michigan State Capitol

UTR-Webmaster>>Image, Episode 301

(517) 373-2348
It’s the giant “Capitol Looking” building on the corner of Capitol Ave and Ottawa in downtown Lansing

Now, tell me honestly. When was the last time you were at our state capitol? Yeah, me too. Well, shame on both of us. This incredible structure is so full of history, culture and great stories that one hundred visits would only scratch the surface. It really is one of our state’s crowning jewels, and all of us should see it.

You can tour the capitol all on your own, but I did a smart thing (I know, surprising for me). I hooked up with Valerie Marvin, and she knows more about this place than I probably know about myself.

There are so many incredibly fascinating things about our capitol that most people just don’t know. For instance, did you know that the dome you see on the outside is actually one hundred feet higher than what you see on the inside? Also, ours is the only state capitol in the nation to have a rotunda floor you can walk on that’s made entirely out of glass.

We all hear, read and talk about laws, policies and politics almost every day, but to actually stand in some of the rooms where it all takes place is a pretty cool experience. I didn’t know that when the House of Representative is in session, anyone can sit in the public gallery high above and watch the entire process. I also didn’t know that if things are running behind, the Speaker of the House actually has the power to stop time (with a hidden switch that turns off the wall clock) so they can get things done on time. Interesting. Wish I could do that!

The biggest thrill for me was getting to see the heart of it all, the Governor’s office. This is where the Governor sits, thinks, signs and makes decisions that move Michigan forward. You can actually feel the power and tremendous history in the room. I didn’t stay long, though. I was afraid I might move something backwards.

You know you’re impressed when your first thought when leaving a place is, boy, I have to bring my family back there. And guess what? I totally did!