(248) 374-0200
50165 Eight Mile Rd., Northville, MI 48167
When was the last time you were down on the farm… or up on the farm, for that matter? Well, it really doesn’t matter, because what does matter is that you get yourself down to Maybury Farm in Northville. It’s a great place for fun, families and hobnobbing with all your favorite furry and feathered friends. From your standard farm stompers like chickens, pigs and cows to your more exotic llamas and peacocks, this is a great chance for your little ones to connect with animals and experience real farm life.
So if you want to warm your heart and renew your faith in the planet, take your kids to Maybury Farm and watch them have a blast interacting with farm animals. Activities at the farm may be dependent on the weather and the time of year, so please remember to call ahead or check their website. Then get ready for some down-home fun on the farm!