FD Lofts

UTR-Webmaster>>Image, Episode 208

(313) 832-3000
3434 Russell St. #108, Detroit, MI 48207

One of the very cool and unique live/work places there is called the FD Lofts. Bob Heide of Urban Life Development is a progressive thinker who took this fascinating piece of history and turned it into a model of transformation and renewal in Detroit. This 1917 building was once the Detroit Fire Department’s repair facility, where they would fix broken fire trucks. Originally, the site was used as the fire department’s horse hospital and training track, where horses would learn to pull the pump wagons.

Now this beautifully restored building offers unique business space, live/work space and a variety of really cool lofts to live in. Even though the interior of the FD Lofts has all the modern amenities, a lot of the original design elements were left to give it a historical and industrial feel. It’s very cool. The people who live and work there are looking for a true urban experience, and with Eastern Market right next door, they get that and more.