Story Behind the Name
So, we schedule our restaurant shoots either at lunch or dinner time. And by then, we are wiped out and h’angry (yes, the contraction for Hungry and Angry is H’angry). When food comes to the table, all bets are off and fingers will be eaten if they get in the way. H’anger can cause an all out UTR Feeding Frenzy.
Show Overview
Hey UTR consumers of savory and sweet, it’s time for another one of our deliberate and delicious Restaurant Specials, and we picked six that are real easy to swallow. First we fill you heart and your stomach, and show you a super sausage king. Then we hit the UP for pasties, and Marshall for some mouthwatering meat. Heck, we even plate up some great pizza for ya. It’s all about food, and it all about to happen right here on UTR !!!